Saturday, October 18, 2008


here is a lil excerpt from something im working on:
One thing I havent mentioned yet is how many times I've looked at my phone hoping he will call or text. I hate phones sometimes. What I wouldnt give though to have him say how wrong he was and that he can't live without me. He wouldn't have to say much, just those simple words and I would run back into his arms, no questions asked. I feel so weak. I have always felt like such a strong woman, able to tackle anything and succeed. Why is it love can make us feel so very weak? I am the stupid girl who would do anything right now to have her man back. I never wanted to be that girl. I am not that girl. I am a catch. So why did he throw me back? I want to cry again. I felt like I was getting through this one day at a time but its too much. Come back please. I cry again that night until I have cried myself to sleep yet again.


Unknown said...

You've always been one of the people I've most admired, Melissa. Trust that God made you special and that your self-worth is only found in God.

See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how this feels.

Haven't seen you in a while Melissa. Hope you're well

Rebekah M